Winter Sports
Applications Winter Sports

We Also Help The
Winter Sports Industry
Zero Shock™ air Bag Systems can be used in two basic applications for winter sports:
• Crash barriers for ski fields and snow tubing hills
• Landing bags for aerial sports
Call Us @ (949) 478-4561
We Also Help The
Barriers for Ski Fields
As witnessed by so many accidents when skiers/snowboarders lose control and hit objects (even during the Olympics when one would assume they do their very best to protect against bad publicity) there is a need for effective barriers. We have already made in-roads in this industry.
There is a part of ski fields where Zero Shock’s™ patented KK technology has particular application and that is in Snow Tubing. There is almost always a requirement to stop these tubes at the bottom of the hill and until now they have used foam rubber mats which are not very soft to hit at all and the industry experiences a significant amount of injuries. We have created a product called ShortStopZ which works far better than anything else on the market. Our client – Massanutten Resort (Shenandoah Valley) – has reported that the system behaved flawlessly without popping a stitch.
The two photos of the ShortStopZ below are of a demo model that we use at trade shows. The units can be ordered to any length or height and they are laced together to form any length.
Call Us @ (949) 478-4561

We Also Help With
Landing Bags for Aerial Sports
The current technology uses a big soft air bag. It works reasonably well for the leisure activities market from relatively low heights but awkward falls from the kind of height that professional aerial skiers attain would result in injury because the surface of the bag reacts too slowly to the impact of the falling body. Zero Shock™ air bags indent much more rapidly to absorb the impact of a protruding limb hitting the air bag.
The problem with the current technology for both applications is the fact that this big soft bag has a ‘sweet spot.’ If you land close to the edge on these things you will bounce off to the side so the bag must be large in order to create this sweet spot in the center. The Zero Shock™ air bag is effective to the very edge of the bag so the size can be reduced to the actual landing area.
Call Us @ (949) 478-4561
Zero Shock™
Endless Benefits

Greater Versatility /
Any Size
ZS air bags can be created in any shape. Whether you need a 6' (2m) -wide bag that snakes between objects or terrain, it's not a problem, as any part of the bag is safe to land on. In addition, the top surface can undulate to create any shape or profile.

Pressure within the air bag can be regulated, from being as soft as a foam pit to being so firm that a bike can land on it and still be effective. This makes it the only choice as a substitute for foam pits for gymnastics and extreme sports.

ZS air bags can be extremely small, both in footprint and height, because the 'fingers' behave like shock absorbers. This makes them perfect for areas where normally a large foam pit would be used, especially in gymnastic applications.

Sweet Spot
Not only are ZS air bags softer to land on – you can also land anywhere on the bag – right up to the very edge! – Without being bounced off. Our patented design allows for a body to 'krush' the fingers upon impact, which forms around the body to cradle the impact.

Zero Shock™ Air Bags reset instantly! Only a small amount of air is expelled through the 'fingers' directly underneath the impacting body and the system has reset itself even before the person has climbed off of the bag. This means another body can land on the bag while the first body is still on it.

More than one person can land on the bag at the same time with almost no effect in the quality of the landing and no tendency for one person to bounce the other one off of the bag. Depending on the height of the fall, they can be as close as 24" apart and still be safe.
Rent or Buy Zero Shock™ Impact Landing Bags
Call Us @ (949) 478-4561